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Our History

Hobby Farm 1951.png


Huibrecht (Herb) van der Ende and his family emigrated from Holland to Burnaby, British Columbia

Herb worked on and loved the hobby farm of the individual who sponsored his family's move to BC

Herb founded Burnaby Lake Greenhouses, located by Ledger Avenue and Canada Way in Burnaby



The company was incorporated as Burnaby Lake Greenhouses Ltd.

Business expanded and a new facility was built in the Guildford area of Surrey

Herb was joined by some of his sons in operating the greenhouse

All production was moved to the Guildford area facility

Burnaby facility was closed


Fleetwood Facility 1975ish.png

Fleetwood facility was expanded to better meet product demand


Guildford 1963ish.png


Business expanded and a new facility was built in the Fleetwood area of Surrey


Fleetwood 1977.png
Cloverdale 1983.png


Cloverdale facility was aggressively expanded to handle rapidly increasing demand for product

In 1988, production was moved from the Guildford facility and it was closed

Business expanded and the first phase of our current facility in the Cloverdale area of Surrey was built

Some of Herb's grandsons - the third generation of van der Ende's - joined in operating the greenhouse

1982 -


Cloverdale 1996.png

2003 - 2005

Production at the Fleetwood facility was phased out and crops were moved to the Cloverdale facility; Fleetwood facility was closed in 2004

Most recent expansion was built in 2005, marking the physical growth of the Cloverdale facility from the initial 100,000 ft  to the 1,300,000 ft  currently operating in production



2010 - present

Some of Herb's great-grandchildren joined in operating the greenhouse, introducing the fourth generation of van der Ende's to the operation of the family business

Cloverdale 2010s.jpg
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