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6" Snake Plant - Green

6" Snake Plant - Green

Sanseviera Trifasciata


A perfect low maintenance plant for a first time plant parent! Snake Plants are slow growers, and will grow in practically any environment and conditions. Snake Plants are available in a variety of variations of green, yellow, and creamy white. Being a tropical plant, Snake Plants grow best in warm, humid environments, so it's best to keep your plant away from cold drafts and air vents. The fronds of a Snake Plant are naturally stiff and smooth, appearing dull as dust collects on them. Use a damp washcloth to clean you plant's leaves.


Sun__PartialShade.pngSnake Plants can grow in any light condition, including the very low light you may find in office buildings. For optimal growth, 8 to 10 hours of bright, indirect sunlight is best. Direct sunlight is ok, but too much can cause burning and damage to the leaves. Additionally, too much shade will stunt your plant's growth and cause the colors to start to fade.
  Water1.pngWater thoroughly and deeply once the soil has completely dried out. Watering every few weeks should be adequate. If the leaves become brittle and dry, water your plant immediately. Do not let your plant sit in excess water at the bottom of the pot. If you notice that the leaves are starting to turn yellow, you may be overwatering your plant.
 Because they are so slow growing, Snake Plants do not need regular fertilizing. For optimal growth, fertilize with a 50/50 solution of liquid fertilizer and water once in Spring and once in mid-Summer.
  Prune your Snake Plant during the growing season to encourage new growth. Remove damaged leaves at the soil line with shears or scissors. To control your plant's height, simply remove the tallest leaves at the soil line. Pruning your plant in Winter will cause stress to your plant and may hinder its growth.
  Size.pngHeight: 4ft Spread: 1.5ft
    Temperature.pngTemperature: 18° - 29°C /65° - 85°F
  NotPetFriendly.pngToxic to pets and people
  AirPurifying.pngAir purifying








SKU: 1115280200
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    Note that actual product may not appear exactly as shown.  Please contact your designated sales rep for more information.

    Speed cover optional, available at additional cost.


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